Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Me and my Great Dane

This is me and my dog Valentine. He has been a great dog. Valentine is a Great Dane. Great Danes rock with Children. He is a brindle one, pure breed, about a year old. When we are moving to Germany, Valentine is staying with Uncle Joe and Aunt Bekah. Dad is already talking about getting another Great Dane in Germany. I think the European Great Danes are much bigger and stronger built than American Great Danes.

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jlchap33 said...

IF he is "just staying" at my house, I am not paying for him and you need to start sending payments for his food and lodging!!!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I know this is very random, but I was googling Great Dane bc I just love looking at pics. My husband and I moved to Germany a year ago! We actually bought our GD In Belguim. Her name is Shotz (german for sweetie). She is a fawn...amazing. Just thought Id share...although prb will sound insane to you! You can see pics of her on our blog http://sabutler.blogspot.com/ GOod luck!

Kristy said...

Wow! I know this is an old post, but we have just put a deposit down for our great dane puppy, and I have named him Valentine too!!!!
He is a pure black with a tinge of blue in his face with bright blue eyes! I can't wait to get him ... 31 sleeps to go :D